Two Tribes Pages

Korea Pictures

the seoul arts center

my breafast every morning fruits, vegetables, yogurt, tea and egg in a soup

the gallery on the morning of the opening

one of Korea's famous artist (cant remember his name, how lame)

his home and studio

me infront of his traditional Korean home

the seoul arts center

the seoul arts center

driving through the city of Yongin

inside the artists studio

beautiful stone work by the artist below

one of many korean artist we met, she works in stone.

more of her work, her outdoor public pieces

the total view of her home and studio

apt and condo buildings everywhere majority of everyone lives in them

friends of the Korean ceramic artist

his view of the frozen lake with his tea house on the lower left

Korean ceramic artist and friends

inside his tea room, will all these necklaces he made

more views of the frozen lake, must look spectacular in spring

the tea house on the lake

inside the Korean ceramic artists studio, pieces in production

more ceramics that are works in progress

some of his completed work in his show gallery ready to sell

he provided lunch  for us in his restaurant he owns

the chicken was great, i really need to hang out with this guy

His music teacher, playing a traditional Korean stringed instrument

our wonderful ceramic artist and host, with his special Lotus tea

the lotus tea, good for the heart mind and soul

wishing stones, you write down  a wish on a piece of paper and add it to the rest  

korean folk village and traditional korean structures

they enjoy corn, just like us native americans

inside a traditional home, the wood work antique furniture is just spectacular

interiors of the traditional Korean home

korean traditional structures at the korean folk village

more structures

a Korean man in his traditional clothing and home

outside the homes

e-mart the Korean version of Wal-mart but way more fancier and better

Yongin city

traffic in Yongin city where everyone drives Hyundai's or Kia's

our interpretor Kelly and her friend Katherine

Monet and her host family

outside the Palace 

outside the Palace with seoul in the background

me infront of the palace a must see for any tourist

the palace structure the roofing incredible decorative work

inside the palace where the emporer sat.

items in the palace

the ceiling inside the palace again amazing craftsmanship

writing tables inside the palace

a storage jar inside the  palace

flag post inside the palace

on the palace grounds

inside one of the palace rooms

a sundial 

other parts of the palace which is a rather big place

view toward the mountains just walking distance from the palace

the older part of seoul that has many fine art galleries, restaurants, and gift shops

view of the old part of seoul

night time in the arts district of the older part of seoul

breakfast again, this time with some type of fish soup, it was just delicioso

the gallery in Yongin all set up with all the art work on display

my pottery pieces on display

more of my work, on display

a Korean artist she does calligraphy art work, she made us dinner one night at her home.

another Korean artist he was friends with the ceramic artist

our friend the ceramic artist Soon Gwan Ma his setup by the lake is just way too cool

Korean artist he works in stone and i believe he is the dean of the art school

In-Ja Shim she was the stone sculpturist who invited us to her home and gallery

Man Gab Hur, excellent painter, he accompanied and bought us dinner at the arts district in seoul

inside the gallery, its empty now but it was a packed house on opening  night

the gallary with over more than 25 works by Korean and Fullerton artists

outside the gallery, and  the banner advertising the show

more public art on display by the gallery in Yongin

public artwork on display at the Korean fine art association which was at the civic center in Yongin

inside the busy public transportation deport

waiting for the subway to take us into seoul

on the subway, with its Korean riders 

tired and weary feet of all the workers on the  subway

the hustle and bustle of downtown seoul, it was snowing really beautiful

my friend Ester who accompanied me on the subway, she studied art in america for a year or so.

my bed, simple a small mat, thick blanket and a pillow, the heating system in all korean homes are under the floor, really cool.

my host family, Mr Kim 

and his wife Mrs Park, she is the president of the art association and makes a great breakfast.

my host family, they were just way too nice, courteous, helpful and hospitable

me and kelly on my last day in korea

the airport in Incheon, the plane getting ready to leave